There has long been a need for motion design in the packaging machinery business because there has long been a requirement to mechanically move, fold, tuck, lift, twist, transfer or in some shape mold both the product and packing to make a package. As soon as something moves in a machine, then a series of motions have to be weaved together.
A good engineer will know that if bad motion design is incorporated into packaging machinery mechanisms, servos or cams, the machinery will more than likely jam, need more upkeep, not run as fast, be noisy and not have longevity. However , with excellent motion design, the same machine can be completely changed into a highly efficient, dependable fast, quiet and long-lasting machine.
The SAME physical machine, but one with DIFFERENT motion design can give a totally different performance.
What makes good motion design and bad motion design for an individual axis? Is it low peak velocity, low peak acceleration, motion continuity or low harmonic content? What's the right way to weave all of the individual motions together? Which mechanism can you afford to accelerate more? How closely can the motions overlap?
PSMotion have created MechDesigner software to help you effortlessly design all the motions AND mechanisms in one application and simulate them all, running and synchronized precisely just like the intended machinery.
It is now that, the value of MechDesigner's real time inverse kinematics capability is also obviously evident. Only by having the ability to use inverse kinematics and by having the ability to watch, edit and design the motions at the tooling, that you're able to force the most out of the motion design process.
MechDesigner also lets you easily change motion design 'on-the-fly ' so you can achieve the best machine, mechanism and motion design you require. What machine design business doesn't want that?
MechDesigner: Cad, Designed to Move.
A good engineer will know that if bad motion design is incorporated into packaging machinery mechanisms, servos or cams, the machinery will more than likely jam, need more upkeep, not run as fast, be noisy and not have longevity. However , with excellent motion design, the same machine can be completely changed into a highly efficient, dependable fast, quiet and long-lasting machine.
The SAME physical machine, but one with DIFFERENT motion design can give a totally different performance.
What makes good motion design and bad motion design for an individual axis? Is it low peak velocity, low peak acceleration, motion continuity or low harmonic content? What's the right way to weave all of the individual motions together? Which mechanism can you afford to accelerate more? How closely can the motions overlap?
PSMotion have created MechDesigner software to help you effortlessly design all the motions AND mechanisms in one application and simulate them all, running and synchronized precisely just like the intended machinery.
It is now that, the value of MechDesigner's real time inverse kinematics capability is also obviously evident. Only by having the ability to use inverse kinematics and by having the ability to watch, edit and design the motions at the tooling, that you're able to force the most out of the motion design process.
MechDesigner also lets you easily change motion design 'on-the-fly ' so you can achieve the best machine, mechanism and motion design you require. What machine design business doesn't want that?
MechDesigner: Cad, Designed to Move.
About the Author:
Dr Kevin Stamp is the Technical Director of PSMotion Limited who specialize in the building of special purpose machines and in the creation of machine design software, namely MechDesigner. Kevin is an engineer and BSc in Mechanical Engineering with a PhD in High Speed Packaging Machine Design. He was an engineer in the British Merchant Navy and spent fifteen years employed by Unilever in the United Kingdom, India and United States. PSMotion was started in 2004.