Recent Cyber Monday specials from HP extended the offer of a free Nook. But the fine print suggests that free isn't always free. Read on and learn the best way to protect yourself.
Free only to an extent
Whenever you see a deal for something free, be wary. Nothing is really free. Brian is a customer who got a new Ultrabook with a free Noon e-reader as part of a Cyber Monday sale. He was trying to find a laptop and wanted the deal. When he returned the computer he decided did not work for him, HP made him pay $99 plus tax for the e-reader.
A free Nook problem that isn't unique
It seems ridiculous to someone who got a "free" Nook to have to pay $99 plus tax later. Brian is not the only person who has had this problem before. Certainly the Nook was not really free and cost something. Seems like on the consumer's receipt differently too, which is just how HP processes orders, it said.
According to a source within the HP returns department, the company will not take back a free Nook obtained through such holiday promotions, and the consumer "will not get the $106 they were charged for (the Nook)."
Not really as free as you might think
HPs small print explained that the Nook was priced with the laptop meaning it is not actually free at all. The consumer had to cover it depending on the terms of the transaction.
The "free Nook" sting is still there and makes a lot of people mad since it cannot be returned, though it can be sold at the consumer's discretion.
Free only to an extent
Whenever you see a deal for something free, be wary. Nothing is really free. Brian is a customer who got a new Ultrabook with a free Noon e-reader as part of a Cyber Monday sale. He was trying to find a laptop and wanted the deal. When he returned the computer he decided did not work for him, HP made him pay $99 plus tax for the e-reader.
A free Nook problem that isn't unique
It seems ridiculous to someone who got a "free" Nook to have to pay $99 plus tax later. Brian is not the only person who has had this problem before. Certainly the Nook was not really free and cost something. Seems like on the consumer's receipt differently too, which is just how HP processes orders, it said.
According to a source within the HP returns department, the company will not take back a free Nook obtained through such holiday promotions, and the consumer "will not get the $106 they were charged for (the Nook)."
Not really as free as you might think
HPs small print explained that the Nook was priced with the laptop meaning it is not actually free at all. The consumer had to cover it depending on the terms of the transaction.
The "free Nook" sting is still there and makes a lot of people mad since it cannot be returned, though it can be sold at the consumer's discretion.